Serving Georgia and the Carolinas
Network Cabling - Security Camera - Cell Signal Booster - WIFI - PA Speaker - Fiber Optic Systems

ITI Plus - Operating Principles


Our teams of employees, system specialists, and consultants are the most important assets we have at ITI Plus. We seek out, hire, and contract the best possible technicians, project managers, and designers and then supply them with the tools, training, and support to safely produce a world class product with the minimum possible interruption to customer production. We value the input and insights that can only come from our project team members, and with continued support of ownership and management, have implemented a culture to facilitate an open two-way flow of communication among all positions and roles.  Our service goals are balanced by our belief in a positive life/work ratio. We believe honoring this balance, along with the best pay, accommodation, and benefits we can offer, gives opportunity to our teams’ positive, motivated, quality-driven attitudes that are the fuel for our exemplary service and our ever growing future and success.


At ITI Plus, integrity is the foundation of all our actions as a company.  We take responsibility for our actions, the successes and especially the failures. We have learned that honest, solution-based communication about challenges or missteps has earned us three times the business than our forthrightness has lost us. We strive to have a walk-the-walk culture where we reach for excellence with our customer services while humbly accepting the boundaries of our scope and abilities when we make commitments.


We seek to provide exemplary customer support while building a world class product and strive for this to be evident in all that we do. We install all our structured cabling projects to ANSI/BICSI/TIA and IEEE Standards and have implemented quality control processes and documentation that are supervised and reviewed by an ITI Plus BICSI RCDD. We partner, provide, and install only industry proven brands of products, equipment, and we strive for innovative improvement through training and continuing education. All of our cable installations are backed by our ITI Plus 3 Year Warranty, and our project warranties are extended to 15 years through our manufacturer partners.


Safety is truly one of the fundamental elements of our culture at ITI Plus. We realized from the start that if safety is not a visible, continuous priority of ownership and management that it will not continue to be a cultural priority in the field. We invest our financial and management resources toward implementation and confirmation of our safety processes in the field with continued training, meetings for planning as well as lessons learned, and regular audits of our worksites and project documentation. We provide OSHA safety training and CPR/First Aid training for all our field personnel and managers and provide or certify additional training and gear for specific scopes, environments, and equipment. These additional trainings include aerial lift, Hepacart, confined space, and others. We have an unlimited Low Voltage license, and our installations are built with the applicable safety standards and codes from OSHA and the NFPA. Competent planning and awareness of risks and hazards with the application of appropriate controls are at the core of the processes that protect our technicians as well as customer personnel, property, and production.


Exemplary service is one of the keystone principles that we nurture and grow within our team’s culture and that we hope is realized in each installation task and every customer interaction. We approach both design and each field level decision with consideration of our customer’s long-term and short-term needs. We strive to offer innovative, financially feasible options while being mindful in each decision to give our customers maximum future flexibility. We recognize that our team shares a personal responsibility to maintain our customer’s loyalty and trust, and that the trust must be honored with our continued service excellence

ITI Plus - Our Beginnings, History, and Vision

ITI Plus is being built on the experience and the vision of founder and Principal Consultant, Taggart Fitzgerald.  Taggart’s twenty plus years of experience in the information communication technology (ICT) industry started with a federal student aid job on his college campus network in the late 1980’s and continued with school district installations, medical campus buildings, college campus buildings, stadiums, casinos, aircraft manufacturing facilities, regional data centers, and military installations.  His knowledge and experience with the processes necessary to build and maintain a successful ICT installation in the most mission critical networks is what every ITI Plus process is built on.  This experience includes years of successful mission critical installations under the supervision and review of information technology teams, RCDD and engineering teams, product manufacturers, and construction management teams for Access Control, Security Camera, Sound Masking, WIFI, VOIP, RFID, SCADA, FA, and PLC Systems.  Taggart is also a BICSI RCDD and holds a Georgia Unlimited Low Voltage license.  For further assistance providing the one stop service that many of our clients desire, ITI plus has added multiple partners and consultants to be available for IT services, supplemental system installations, and design support 


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